I’m Ebi [rhymes with Baby, Maybe]

– educator, Coach, Upcoming Author, Speaker, Grandmother, and Women’s Empowerment Advocate.
Say yes to self-love and self-worth
Self-Love & Transition Coach
I am passionate about helping you to become more empowered with getting to know you through self-loving and healthy habits that YOU can do TODAY! I get to learn more about you, share insights, and empower women and their families to feel and live the best life through being authentic and easy-to-follow habits. I am thrilled to be on this journey to mastery with you!
My story in a nutshell…
I got married when I was 19 and had 7 children from the marriage. It was a very abusive relationship and I was left feeling that it was my fault that my husband was so physically, emotionally and mentally abusive to me. I got to the point of first contemplating suicide and moved on to working out ways I could get rid of him permanently without it being traced back to me. At this point I realised that I had to do something if not for my sake, for the sake of my children.

My Divorce
I left the relationship in 1988 and returned back in 1996 and finally ended the relationship in 2000. Even though I had broken off the relationship legally, I found I was still mentally enslaved to the same way of thinking and falling into the same self sabotaging patterns in my life; in relationships, in my career and with my health. I became chronically sick, feeling wired and tired, and experiencing a sensation of constant overwhelm from the combination of doing too much; building a career, studying to become a Human Resources practitioner, being a mum and running a home. I had a lot of physical energy but I felt I was not there. My focus was waning and I felt overwhelmed which made each day a challenge.
I was juggling too many responsibilities and suffering from some major consequences. On top of this I had a spinal problem and an autoimmune issue which had its own effect on my well being. One day, I looked up and didn’t recognize the tired stranger in the mirror. I didn’t feel like myself anymore.
Since talking with women from all walks of life, I’ve discovered that the feeling of overwhelm is quite a common experience. Although not everyone falls over, the same challenges, but all the same, challenges of their own which get them to the same place.

Breaking the cycle
Bringing up a family on my own and working on my career, I found I had completely neglected myself. In 2014 I realised that I had to take responsibility for how I got to that point in the first place. After much soul searching and working with my inner self, I found that my biggest obstacles were my mindset, my limiting beliefs and ignoring that I was feeling unwell, all of which was within my power to correct as I wanted. I reclaimed my life and my body! On my journey, I learned that 80% of what we do on a daily basis dictates the life that we live later. I began to work on strategies to move me to a life which is rich, healthy, and filled with amazing experiences. In wanting to do things differently, I realised how much it mattered to me to share my learning and experience with other women. I wanted to help them to find better ways to achieve their goals and to find greater fulfilment and happiness in their lives. In doing so, I have come to believe that not all personal journeys need to end in disaster and that my experience has led me to create a new life that fills me with joy and gratitude.
Being My Own CEO…
The answer came when I realised all I really wanted was to live in a state of love and to love myself so fully, that it no longer mattered what I achieved next and what others thought of me, I would be happy with myself regardless. This desire drove me to create the 31-Day – Health & Wellness Challenge and later into training in Relationship. Coaching and Transition coaching which deals with mindset change.